
Yoga is great for your body. Depending on the style you choose you can push your body in new ways and there will always be a style that suits you and your needs. Yoga is also good for weight loss as it helps reduce cortisol and stress levels, which can cause us to overeat. It helps you get in touch with your body Yoga is a fantastic way of learning more about your body, its strengths and areas you can improve upon. By taking your time and flowing through movements while using your breath, you c

Fear of a word? How queer.

Less than a month into my postgraduate studies I was excited to attend a research seminar at the University of Greenwich led by Dr Martin Dines, senior lecturer at Kingston University, entitled ‘Trouble with boys: Queer Domesticity and Egalitarian Relationships in Post-War London Novels’. It was a topic that was largely outside of my area of knowledge (although I had studied queer theory as an undergrad) and I was keen to learn about a new subject.

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